Contents: Integrity test, software, reliability, honesty, trustworthy, trustworthiness, dependable, dependability, reliable, work, worker, work effectiveness.

Personality Test:
The Integrity Test & Software

Integrity Defined
Integrity refers to a person's tendency to be honest, dependable, trustworthy, reliable, and prosocial (as against antisocial). Integrity is an extremely important quality of workers. The Integrity Scale described here has been found to contribute to work success, more generally to career and financial success. It also has been found to be a positive correlate of emotional success (or general psychological adjustment), success in relationships, and overall life success (Mehrabian, 2000).

Integrity Scale Software
Software for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Integrity Scale is available. It runs on IBM-compatible computers and provides (a) percentile scores and equivalent z-scores plus brief interpretation of these scores for each person tested and (b) a database of all scores (percentile plus z-score) for all individuals tested. The software is extremely easy to use and is password protected so that the Administrator can control access to the database of results. In this way, individuals being tested cannot have access to the results, unless the Administrator chooses to report such results to them.

A common problem in personality testing is that some respondents attempt to slant their answers to make good impressions and, as a result, test results become misleading. When respondents slant answers, scores on socially desirable traits become inflated or greater than they would have been in the absence of response slanting. The software for the Integrity Scale includes a built-in feature to help detect when such response slanting/faking occurs and warns the tester when results become "unacceptable."

Scale Description
The Integrity Scale is compsed of two parts (Scenarios, Questionnaire)

Other features of the Integrity Scale are as follows:
Scale Validity
Experimental work, reported by Mehrabian (2000), showed that Integrity Scale scores were positive correlates of almost all major facets of life success, including emotional success (i.e., general emotional well-being), relationship success, work success, career and financial success, and overall life success.

The monograph (Mehrabian, 2000) contains considerable detailed information on validity of the Integrity Scale. You will find the following plus additional information bearing on the Integrity Scale in Mehrabian's (2000) monograph:

Mehrabian, A. (2000). Beyond IQ: Broad-based measurement of individual success potential or "emotional intelligence." Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126, 133-239.

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