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Gottlieb, R., Wiener, M., & Mehrabian, A. (1967). Immediacy, discomfort-relief quotient, and content in verbalizations about positive and negative experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 266-274.
Mehrabian, A. (1967). Orientation behaviors and nonverbal attitude communication. Journal of Communication, 17, 324-332.
Mehrabian, A. (1967). Attitudes inferred from non-immediacy of verbal communications. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 294-295.
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Mehrabian, A., & Friar, J.T. (1969). Encoding of attitude by a seated communicator via posture and position cues. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 33, 330-336.
Mehrabian, A., & Reed, H. (1969). Factors influencing judgments of psychopathology. Psychological Reports, 24, 323-330.
Mehrabian, A., & Williams, M. (1969). Nonverbal concomitants of perceived and intended persuasiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13, 37-58.
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Mehrabian, A. (1970). The development and validation of measures of affiliative tendency and sensitivity to rejection. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 417-428.
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Mehrabian, A. (1970). Measures of vocabulary and grammatical skills for children up to age six. Developmental Psychology, 2, 439-446.
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Mehrabian, A., & Ksionzky, S. (1971). Anticipated compatibility as a function of attitude or status similarity. Journal of Personality, 39, 225-241.
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Mehrabian, A. (1972). Some subtleties of communication. Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 3, 62-67.
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Mehrabian, A. (1975). Affiliation as a function of attitude discrepancy with another and arousal-seeking tendency. Journal of Personality, 43, 582-590.
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Mehrabian, A. (1977). A questionnaire measure of individual differences in stimulus screening and associated differences in arousability. Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior, 1, 89-103.
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Mehrabian, A., & Ross, M. (1977). Quality of life change and individual differences in stimulus screening in relation to incidence of illness. Psychological Reports, 41, 267-278.
Mehrabian, A., & West, S. (1977). Emotional impact of a task and its setting on work performance of screeners and nonscreeners. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 45, 895-909.
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Mehrabian, A. (1979). Effect of emotional state on alcohol consumption. Psychological Reports, 44, 271-282.
Mehrabian, A., & Ross, M. (1979). Illnesses, accidents, and alcohol use as functions of the arousing quality and pleasantness of life changes. Psychological Reports, 45, 31-43.
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Moynihan, C., & Mehrabian, A. (1979). Administration book for the Child Language Ability Measures (CLAM): Vocabulary comprehension and grammar comprehension. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Moynihan, C., & Mehrabian, A. (1979). Administration book for the Child Language Ability Measures (CLAM): Inflection production, grammar imitation, grammar formedness judgment, and grammar equivalence judgment. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Falender, C.A., & Mehrabian, A. (1980). The emotional climate for children as inferred from parental attitudes: A preliminary validation of three scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 40, 1033-1042.
Ksionzky, S., & Mehrabian, A. (1980). Personality correlates of self-disclosure. Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 145-152.
Mehrabian, A. (1980). Basic dimensions for a general psychological theory: Implications for personality, social, environmental, and developmental studies. Cambridge, MA: Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain.
Mehrabian, A. (1980). Shaping environments that fit your inner landscape. Creative Living, 9 (3), 7-11.
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Moynihan, C., & Mehrabian, A. (1981). The psychological aesthetics of narrative forms. In H. Day (Ed.), Advances in intrinsic motivation and aesthetics (pp. 323-340). New York: Plenum.
Mehrabian, A., & Wixen, W. (1983). Lights out at the arcade: Restricted emotional appeal limits video-game popularity. Psychology Today, 17 (12), 72-73.
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Mehrabian, A., & Weinstein, L. (1985). Temperament characteristics of suicide attempters. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 53, 544-546.
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Mehrabian, A., Nahum, I.V., & Duke, V. (1985-86). Individual difference correlates and measures of predisposition to obesity and to anorexia. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 5, 339-355.
Mehrabian, A., & Riccioni, M. (1986). Measures of eating-related characteristics for the general population: Relationships with temperament. Journal of Personality Assessment, 50, 610-629.
Mehrabian, A., & Venter, C. (1986). Temperament correlates of clutch playing and overall success among top-ranked college tennis players. International Journal of Small Group Research, 2, 100-106.
Mehrabian, A., & Wixen, W.J. (1986). Preferences for individual video games as a function of their emotional effects on players. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16, 3-15.
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Mehrabian, A., & de Wetter, R. (1987). Experimental test of an emotion-based approach to fitting brand names to products. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 125-130.
Mehrabian, A., & O'Reilly, E. (1988). Personality correlates of habitual alcohol use. International Journal of the Addictions, 23, 175-182.
Mehrabian, A., Young, A.L., & Sato, S. (1988). Emotional empathy and associated individual differences. Current Psychology: Research & Reviews, 7, 221-240.
Mehrabian, A. (1989). Marital choice and compatibility as a function of trait similarity-dissimilarity. Psychological Reports, 65, 1202.
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Mehrabian, A. (1989-90). Effects of affective and informational characteristics of work environments on worker satisfaction. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 293-301.
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Mehrabian, A., & Valdez, P. (1990). Basic name connotations and related sex stereotyping. Psychological Reports, 66, 1-2.
Mehrabian, A. (1991). Your inner path to investment success: Insights into the psychology of investing. Chicago: Probus.
Mehrabian, A. (1991). Outline of a general emotion-based theory of temperament. In J. Strelau & A. Angleitner (Eds.), Explorations in temperament: International perspectives on theory and measurement (pp. 75-86). New York: Plenum.
Mehrabian, A., & Bernath, M.S. (1991). Factorial composition of commonly used self-report depression inventories: Relationships with basic dimensions of temperament. Journal of Research in Personality, 25, 262-275.
Mehrabian, A. (1992). Interrelationships among name desirability, name uniqueness, emotion characteristics connoted by names, and temperament. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 1797-1808.
Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Positive or negative connotations of unconventionally and conventionally spelled names. Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 445-451.
Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Differences in positive and negative connotations of nicknames and given names. Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 737-739.
Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Affective and personality characteristics inferred from length of first names. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 755-758.
Mehrabian, A. (1994). The Name Connotation Profile. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Mehrabian Arousal Seeking Tendency Scale (MAST). (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Trait Pleasure- Displeasure Scale. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Revised Trait Arousability (converse of the Stimulus Screening) Scale. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Revised Trait Dominance-Submissiveness Scale. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Affiliative Tendency Scale (MAFF). (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Sensitivity to Rejection Scale (MSR). (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Mehrabian Trait Anxiety and Depression Scales. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1994). Evidence bearing on the Affiliative Tendency (MAFF) and Sensitivity to Rejection (MSR) Scales. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 13, 97-116.
Valdez, P., & Mehrabian, A. (1994). Effects of color on emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 123, 394-409.
Mehrabian, A. (1994-95). Individual differences in achieving tendency: Review of evidence bearing on a questionnaire measure. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 13, 351-364.
Mehrabian, A. (1995). Manual for a comprehensive system of measures of emotional states: The PAD Model. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (1995). Framework for a comprehensive description and measurement of emotional states. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 121, 339-361.
Mehrabian, A. (1995). Theory and evidence bearing on a scale of trait arousability. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 14, 3-28.
Mehrabian, A. (1995). Relationships among three general approaches to personality description. Journal of Psychology, 129, 565-581.
Mehrabian, A., & Stefl, C.A. (1995). Basic temperament components of loneliness, shyness, and conformity. Social Behavior and Personality, 23, 253-264.
Mehrabian, A. (1995-96). Distinguishing depression and trait anxiety in terms of basic dimensions of temperament. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 15, 133-143.
Mehrabian, A. (1996). Analysis of the Big-five personality factors in terms of the PAD Temperament Model. Australian Journal of Psychology, 48, 86-92.
Mehrabian, A. (1996). Pleasure-arousal-dominance: A general framework for describing and measuring individual differences in temperament. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 14, 261-292.
Mehrabian, A. (1996). Relations among political attitudes, personality, and psychopathology assessed with new measures of libertarianism and conservatism. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 18, 469-491.
Mehrabian, A., & Blum, J.S. (1996). Temperament and personality as functions of age. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 42, 251-269.
Mehrabian, A. (1997). Analysis of affiliation-related traits in terms of the PAD Temperament Model. Journal of Psychology, 131, 101-117.
Mehrabian, A. (1997). Camparison of the PAD and PANAS as models for describing emotions and for differentiating anxiety from depression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 19,331-357.
Mehrabian, A. (1997). Impressions created by given names. Names, 45, 19-33.
Mehrabian, A. (1997). Relations among personality scales of aggression, violence, and empathy: Validational evidence bearing on the Risk of Eruptive Violence Scale. Aggressive Behavior, 23, 433-445.
Mehrabian, A., & Blum, J.S. (1997). Physical appearance, attractiveness, and the mediating role of emotions. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 16, 20-42.
Mehrabian, A., & Ljunggren, E. (1997). Dimensionality and content of optimism-pessimism analyzed in terms of the PAD Temperament Model. Personality and Individual Differences, 23, 729-737.
Mehrabian, A., Stefl, C.A., & Mullen, M. (1997). Emotional thinking in the adult: Individual differences in mysticism and globality-differentiation. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 16, 325-355.
Mehrabian, A., Wihardja, C., & Ljunggren, E. (1997). Emotional correlates of preferences for situation-activity combinations in everyday life. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 123, 461-477.
Mehrabian, A. (1998). Correlations of the PAD emotion scales with self-reported satisfaction in marriage and work. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 124, 311-334.
Mehrabian, A. (1998). Effects of poll reports on voter preferences. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 2119-2130.
Blum, J.S., & Mehrabian, A. (1999). Personality and temperament correlates of marital satisfaction. Journal of Personality, 67, 93-125.
Mehrabian, A. (1998-1999). Relations of home preference with temperament and with prevailing emotional conditions in everyday life. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 18,43-58.
Mehrabian, A. (1999). Supseek Teuksungkwa Keegil [Eating characteristics and temperament]. Korea: Kyung Nam University Publisher.
Mehrabian, A. (2000). Beyond IQ: Broad-based measurement of individual success potential or "emotional intelligence." Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126,133-239.
Mehrabian, A. (2000). The relationship of personality/temperament and situationally-induced emotions to marital satisfaction: Therapeutic implications. Directions in Clinical & Counseling Psychology, 11(3), 19-30.
Mehrabian, A. (2001). Characteristics attributed to individuals on the basis of their first names. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127, 59-88.
Mehrabian, A. (2001). General relations among drug use, alcohol use, and major indexes of psychopathology. Journal of Psychology,135, 71-86.
Mehrabian, A. (2002). Baby name report card: Beneficial and harmful baby names. (Available from Albert Mehrabian, am@kaaj.com)
Mehrabian, A. (2015). Theoretical foundation for emotion-based strategies in political campaigns. In A. Kostic & D. Chadee (Eds.),The social psychology of nonverbal communication (pp. 198-219). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.